Step 1: Contact Us
If you’re ready to get started, please complete the travel inquiry form on our Contact page.
Step 2: Complimentary Consult Call
Once we receive your travel inquiry form we will reach out via email with the best next steps. You can schedule your complimentary 15-minute travel consult call to ask any initial questions you may have related to your trip and travel vision. An initial consultation is always complimentary. We value having the opportunity to get to know more about you, your likes & dislikes, goals, and expectations for your trip so that we can customize the perfect travel experience.
Step 3: Non-Refundable Deposit
After our consult call, if you would like to move forward with working together, you will receive a travel services agreement and an invoice for payment of the $250.00 USD non-refundable travel planning fee (once per client not per trip) for trips that involve excursions, hotel, and private transfer. Destination weddings, honeymoons, and corporate retreats have a non-refundable deposit and that amount is shared after the pre trip consult call. All non planning fee's must be paid upon completion of the travel services agreement in order to begin the travel planning work of service.